5 Helpful Career Management Tips That Will Excel Your Career

  |   Patricia Tiernan
Career Management

The world of work has changed forever. No matter how successfully the company we work for is performing we can’t rely on job security, outside of the public sector, no job is guaranteed for life. We, therefore, need to become experts in our own career management.

So how can you effectively manage your career?

Here are some career management tips that can support you to do just that:

1. Life Long Learning – Upskill

What would happen if you arrived to work tomorrow to hear you had lost your job? When I work with clients who are out of work one of the first things they mention is how much they regret not having up-skilled as it would make finding a job so much easier. It just never felt like the right time. Don’t wait till you are given a P45 or for your employer to invest in upskilling you.Each year ask yourself:

  • How niche is my line of work?
  • How transferable are my skills?
  • How marketable am I if I lost my job tomorrow?
  • What is current in my field and how up to date am I?
  • What one course, workshop, talk etc. can I attend this year that would be valuable to me?

2. Reputation

You may be slaving away in the corner but if people don’t connect with you or know what you achieve it won’t help your career much. Stick your hand up for additional project work, come up with new ideas that help improve the business, show interest in the people you work with.

  • Who do you most admire at work and why?
  • How has their reputation been built and what can you learn from them?
  • How are you seen within the business and how you would like to be seen?
  • What small steps can you take to help build the reputation you want?

3. Network

How solid and diverse is your network? The majority of people find work through other people or gain work because of a reputation they have built. The more people you know and more you are respected the easier it is to make the next career move.

  • Who is in your support network and how regularly are you in touch?
  • When was the last time you attended a networking event?
  • What networking events are useful for you to attend?
  • What one small thing you would like to get from the next networking opportunity you attend?

4. Attitude

How is your attitude to life, to work, to the world? It’s easier to build a good reputation and network if you have a positive attitude. The reality is we like positive people with upbeat ‘can do’ attitudes whether it be in or outside of work.

  • How does your attitude come across to those you work with?
  • How would you like to come across to the people you deal with?
  • What small steps can you take to improve how you come across?

5. Where do you want to progress to?

Give yourself space and time to dream where you want to take your career. Think beyond the obvious straight line up the career ladder.

  • What would you like your typical day to look like, what would you be doing at work, where and who with?
  • What would motivate you and give you most job satisfaction?
  • What lifestyle do you have?
  • What type of roles would support you to gain what it is you are looking for and what steps can you take to get there?

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Patricia Tiernan is a Career and Life Coach and founder of Leap Coaching which specialises in boosting career fulfilment. She runs a targeted Career Coaching Programme that supports people to take charge of their careers.