Tag: Career Tips

As A Mum Are You Unsure If You Want To Start A New Job?

  24th May 2017

As a Career Coach, I have worked with many mothers who are frightened to change jobs for fear their next employer won’t be as family friendly and guilt-ridden mothers who feel bad for wanting their own space or career. These common fears when unexamined can lead to one feeling stuck. Get a pen and paper […]

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Donald Trump

Donald Trump – Perception In The Workplace 

  15th November 2016

How Donald Trump is viewed in the workplace is reflective of one’s own past experiences, values, and belief systems. Those who voted against Donald Trump used words such narcissistic, chauvinist, discriminatory bully to describe him. On the other hand, those who voted for Trump described him as a shrewd direct leader who is not afraid […]

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