Career challenges can hit us slowly or hard and fast. Whether you are struggling to get through a particularly rough patch, or you know there has to be a better way than this, Career Challenge Coaching can support you to navigate successfully through your unique career or personal life challenge.

We specialise in supporting people to overcome the main career challenges that can hold them back from achieving their full potential at work. We understand that navigating the complex world of work can be challenging, and we are here to provide the support and coaching you need to succeed.

Career Coaching Challenges Examples:

1. Raising Your Visibility

Being noticed at work for the right reasons is crucial for moving ahead in your career, but it’s not always easy to do it in a way that feels genuine. We understand that speaking up in meetings, connecting with higher-ups, or promoting yourself can feel daunting. Many of us worry about seeming too self-promotional or fear potential repercussions for speaking our minds.

Patricia can help you overcome these challenges and achieve results that matter to you. She’ll support you in developing strategies tailored to your personality and values, empowering you to boost your visibility while staying true to yourself. Together, you’ll tackle the fears and negative thoughts holding you back. With Patricia’s support, you’ll learn to strengthen your personal brand within your organisation,  putting you in the position of making the impact you want to make.

Clients that have overcome these challenges have expressed a profound sense of liberation and increased career fulfillment from increasing their visibility and overcoming their fears.

2. Confidence

Confidence plays a pivotal role in our professional lives, influencing our performance, relationships, communication, and overall career satisfaction. Despite its importance, many individuals grapple with self-doubt and imposter syndrome, hindering their ability to thrive in the workplace.

Our career coaching services are tailored to address these challenges head-on, empowering you to cultivate a more positive and resilient mindset. Through personalised career coaching, we help you uncover your strengths and bolster your self-esteem.

While it may seem like confidence is an innate trait, we firmly believe that it can be developed and strengthened through action. Our coaching approach focuses on tangible strategies and actionable steps, supporting you in taking decisive actions to enhance your sense of worth and confidence in the workplace. With Patricia’s support, you’ll embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, unlocking your full potential for success.

3. Gaining a Promotion

Earning a promotion in the public or private service, especially in a competitive environment, presents unique challenges. Negotiating salary and working conditions, as well as navigating the crucial first 90 days in a new role, requires careful planning and strategy.

Our career coaching services are designed to support you through each stage of the promotion process. Whether you’re seeking advancement in the public service, striving to stand out in a competitive landscape, or adapting to remote work dynamics, we’re here to help.

With our guidance, you’ll gain the skills and confidence needed to successfully negotiate salary and working conditions, ensuring you receive the recognition and rewards you need. Additionally, we’ll provide invaluable support as you navigate the critical first 90 days in your new role, setting you up for long-term success and career advancement.


4. Decision Making

Career decision coaching is a specialised coaching support service tailored for professionals who are facing important career choices and need to make decisions quickly. Decisions, like whether to accept a redundancy package, early retirement, stay in their current role, take a new job offer, or move to a new location, come with a lot of complexity and pressure.

In these situations, making decisions can be tough. There are many factors to consider, such as how these decisions might affect personal and professional identity, finances, and relationships.

Career decision coaching focuses on supporting professionals to clarify which choice is best for them and to take action accordingly.


5. Preventing Burnout and Achieving Work-Life Balance

Balancing work and personal life can be a daunting task, and many individuals find themselves overwhelmed by stress and burnout. Our career coaching services are tailored to help you navigate these challenges and regain control of your well-being.

The World Health Organization identifies occupational burnout as a syndrome resulting from chronic workplace stress that hasn’t been effectively managed. Unfortunately, the risk of burnout is on the rise, with employees in Ireland experiencing it more frequently than their European counterparts.

In today’s rapidly changing work environment, characterized by uncertainty and demanding workloads, it’s crucial to address the factors contributing to stress and burnout. Whether it’s intrinsic characteristics, work relationships, or work-life conflict, our coaching approach focuses on identifying and addressing these influences.

Through career challenge coaching, you’ll receive support to:

  • Strengthen resilience and reduce overwhelm
  • Improve well-being and achieve work-life balance
  • Manage workplace stress effectively
  • Gain focus amidst increased work and family responsibilities

By working together, you’ll develop strategies to manage your time, set boundaries, and prioritize your overall wellness, ensuring you thrive both personally and professionally.

Typical Career Challenge Coaching Outcomes:

  • clarity
  • meaningful action is taken
  • overcome challenges and setbacks
  • heightened sense of resilience
  • renewed confidence
  • increased levels of contentment, fulfilment and achievement
  • flourishing
  • career progression
  • improved sense of well-being