Category: Life Coaching


3 Tips on the Basics that Underline Happiness

  30th March 2018

Basics of Human Happiness There are times in all of our lives when we feel something is not quite right. Sometimes we can put our finger directly on why we feel down, like when a relationship or career is struggling to meet our expectations. But there are times we are really not sure why our happiness levels are low […]

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Blue Monday

  15th January 2018

  Blue Monday is said to have been created in 2006 as an advertising mechanism to try and get us to treat ourselves to a nice holiday. The third Monday in January was chosen because of low bank balances after Christmas, dark and cold days, a return to the familiar routine of work and outside responsibilities, […]

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One Big Thing

  6th December 2016

I can get so wrapped up in day-to-day activities that long-term goals and life priorities can get put on the long finger. I am great at keeping to do list’s put priorities often shift and things get put off for way longer than they need to. As quick as a flash a few months have gone by […]

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